An asbestos expert has warned that disease from the deadly substance is not a thing of the past.
He says bad worksite practices and ignorance are putting everyone at risk.
40 workers evacuated a city worksite when a union official discovered
they’d been working amongst asbestos dust for weeks. Across town,
asbestos contaminated soil was found during landscaping at Glenside
The union fears if it’s being found on worksites where
people are trained to recognise it, the problem is likely to be far more
“We don't know how much asbestos would be going out
on to domestic sites where perhaps that training’s not being done, used
on driveways, used as underfill for concrete slabs,” John Carter says.
John Carter, a dear friend and a valued board member of Bernie Banton Foundation spoke out on the dangers still prevailing in Australia with workers being exposed to asbestos. Some workers are unaware they are being exposed to asbestos while others are ignorant and just want to get the job done no matter what the consequences for them and their family are, so if asbestos is onsite then they do not care just so long as they get paid for a good day's labour. They take the attitude ' I've gotta die from something'!
I find it unbelievable here in Australia that this continues to happen! After all asbestos was finally banned in 2004 in Australia, so why is it still rearing its ugly head. Until we get serious on asbestos and eradiation/heavily subsidised for removal and disposal we will continue to be exposed daily through work, home and environment.
I had a go slow day today - just trying to grab back some lost energy, no doubt an earlier night tonight, meditation and waking up tomorrow after a goodnight's sleep will see me regain my energy levels! This is part of living with mesothelioma - I go with the flow - while my energy levels are good I keep on going and work thru tiredness, usually it works, sometimes I have to stop and smell the roses for a day or so!
Tomorrow will be my eldest daughter Jo's 37th birthday - I am catching the train to her home and staying the night. The kids will have swimming lessons in the late evening - I am honoured to be able to go with them and watch how they so love this lesson especially with nana watching on the sideline. I am going to mind the kids while they go out on a special birthday dinner date and I will stay the night - so looking forward to tomorrow!
Today the weather reached 37 degrees, very humid, hot, dry and no rain insight! Charlie our beautiful 5 yr old siamese cat was so exhausted, he just plonked himself in the kitchen and wouldn't move!
My personal journey battling Mesothelioma
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Friday, February 22, 2013
Lou is going to Washington for the annual ADAO Conference in March 2013
Rod Smith put this up on Facebook recently.
Lou Williams Is Going to Washington!
Life is all about hope, my Jules lived for three years on hope, I live
everyday on on hope for the future, not only for me, but for all those
around me.
In September 2012, 11 year mesothelioma sufferer,
social media stalwart, constant giver of support and encouragement to
all others adversely affected by the horror that is asbestos, not to
mention close friend of Jules and I, and now a kindred spirit of Karen
Elizabeth Banton and I, Lou Williams was told there was no more
treatment, in short, 'live life to the fullest, it is all about quality,
not quantity'.
In tears, with fingers crossed, I said to Lou, " You are a survivor, we will go to Linda's ADAO conference in March!
Guess what????
Last week Lou said she was okay to go, I spoke to her wonderful husband Keith, he said, 'I would love Lou to go to Washington!"
So, Lou is now going to Washington with Karen Banton (keynote speaker)
and I (Karen's handbag), and fellow Bernie Banton Foundation Directors,
John Carter and Geoff Fary (speaker).
Lou is truly an inspiration to all sufferers of an asbestos related disease, and indeed to all people!
Thank you Linda for believing in hope and keeping a spot open for Lou....... Linda, you and ADAO make a difference!
Thank you from all at the Bernie Banton Foundation - Australia
Rod Smith put this up on Facebook recently.
Lou Williams Is Going to Washington!
Life is all about hope, my Jules lived for three years on hope, I live everyday on on hope for the future, not only for me, but for all those around me.
In September 2012, 11 year mesothelioma sufferer, social media stalwart, constant giver of support and encouragement to all others adversely affected by the horror that is asbestos, not to mention close friend of Jules and I, and now a kindred spirit of Karen Elizabeth Banton and I, Lou Williams was told there was no more treatment, in short, 'live life to the fullest, it is all about quality, not quantity'.
In tears, with fingers crossed, I said to Lou, " You are a survivor, we will go to Linda's ADAO conference in March!
Guess what????
Last week Lou said she was okay to go, I spoke to her wonderful husband Keith, he said, 'I would love Lou to go to Washington!"
So, Lou is now going to Washington with Karen Banton (keynote speaker) and I (Karen's handbag), and fellow Bernie Banton Foundation Directors, John Carter and Geoff Fary (speaker).
Lou is truly an inspiration to all sufferers of an asbestos related disease, and indeed to all people!
Thank you Linda for believing in hope and keeping a spot open for Lou....... Linda, you and ADAO make a difference!
Thank you from all at the Bernie Banton Foundation - Australia
Life is all about hope, my Jules lived for three years on hope, I live everyday on on hope for the future, not only for me, but for all those around me.
In September 2012, 11 year mesothelioma sufferer, social media stalwart, constant giver of support and encouragement to all others adversely affected by the horror that is asbestos, not to mention close friend of Jules and I, and now a kindred spirit of Karen Elizabeth Banton and I, Lou Williams was told there was no more treatment, in short, 'live life to the fullest, it is all about quality, not quantity'.
In tears, with fingers crossed, I said to Lou, " You are a survivor, we will go to Linda's ADAO conference in March!
Guess what????
Last week Lou said she was okay to go, I spoke to her wonderful husband Keith, he said, 'I would love Lou to go to Washington!"
So, Lou is now going to Washington with Karen Banton (keynote speaker) and I (Karen's handbag), and fellow Bernie Banton Foundation Directors, John Carter and Geoff Fary (speaker).
Lou is truly an inspiration to all sufferers of an asbestos related disease, and indeed to all people!
Thank you Linda for believing in hope and keeping a spot open for Lou....... Linda, you and ADAO make a difference!
Thank you from all at the Bernie Banton Foundation - Australia
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Monday I stayed overnight in Melbourne with my eldest daughter (Jo) and family and got to spend time with my beautiful little grandkids Ruby (4) and Henry (3) with special nana time! Yesterday we went to see the musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at Her Majesty's Theatre and loved every minute of it. Jo had an ultrasound on Tuesday while I minded the kids in the park - she is having a healthy little baby boy in August - yay another beautiful little grandson to love and spoil!
In the morning I caught up with friends at a beautiful little cafe in Carlton, Melbourne where we spent a lovely couple of hours in the warmth of the sun. Rod and Karen (Bernie Banton Foundation) were there too and also a very brave mesothelioma warrior was also present. On the table (put there by 2 fairy angels - Rod/Karen) was the most beautiful basket of flowers - for me! I was so overwhelmed and did not feel worthy of receiving this beautiful basket as I am not ill atm! There are many more deserving warriors who are going thru so much atm - my heart goes out to them. Thank you to the meso warriors from around the world who gave me these gorgeous flowers for Valentine's day!
My girlfriend Sue who lives nr Pambula, NSW stayed Tuesday night and it was great to see her and catch up.
Tomorrow we are flying up to Queensland for 4 nights (Brisbane and Gold Coast) to see family and friends, in particular my youngest daughter Debbie and little grandkids Lux (3) and Evie (2). Debbie had major surgery and was in hospital for 2 mths (12 mths ago) and has since made a remarkable recovery. I am so looking forward to seeing them - it is always a special catchup!
In the morning I caught up with friends at a beautiful little cafe in Carlton, Melbourne where we spent a lovely couple of hours in the warmth of the sun. Rod and Karen (Bernie Banton Foundation) were there too and also a very brave mesothelioma warrior was also present. On the table (put there by 2 fairy angels - Rod/Karen) was the most beautiful basket of flowers - for me! I was so overwhelmed and did not feel worthy of receiving this beautiful basket as I am not ill atm! There are many more deserving warriors who are going thru so much atm - my heart goes out to them. Thank you to the meso warriors from around the world who gave me these gorgeous flowers for Valentine's day!
My girlfriend Sue who lives nr Pambula, NSW stayed Tuesday night and it was great to see her and catch up.
Tomorrow we are flying up to Queensland for 4 nights (Brisbane and Gold Coast) to see family and friends, in particular my youngest daughter Debbie and little grandkids Lux (3) and Evie (2). Debbie had major surgery and was in hospital for 2 mths (12 mths ago) and has since made a remarkable recovery. I am so looking forward to seeing them - it is always a special catchup!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Sat 9 Feb 2013 Fire evacuation day
What started off as a pretty normal day today ended up a day of total drama watching the sky for signs of smoke and keeping watch as we are doing tonight both on the CFA website and outside.
We had an appointment in Melbourne at Watergardens shopping mall at midday. Arrived home mid afternoon when the weather looked like it was calm without wind. Within an hr we received a neighbourhood fire alert phone call from John next door saying there was a fire burning out of control 4 kms away, we then made our ph calls to keep the phone line going and proceeded to pack the car just in case and monitor the situation as there is only one road out of here. All calm tonight and the fire appears to be still going but controlled with 23 fire trucks and Elvis the water helicopter about 10 kms away as the crow flies!
The link above is a story about Katrina Ellis - a cancer survivor who 'has healed herself'. Katrina lives on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I have her book and follow many parts of it in my day to day living.
We had an appointment in Melbourne at Watergardens shopping mall at midday. Arrived home mid afternoon when the weather looked like it was calm without wind. Within an hr we received a neighbourhood fire alert phone call from John next door saying there was a fire burning out of control 4 kms away, we then made our ph calls to keep the phone line going and proceeded to pack the car just in case and monitor the situation as there is only one road out of here. All calm tonight and the fire appears to be still going but controlled with 23 fire trucks and Elvis the water helicopter about 10 kms away as the crow flies!
The link above is a story about Katrina Ellis - a cancer survivor who 'has healed herself'. Katrina lives on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I have her book and follow many parts of it in my day to day living.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Asbestos in the News (Facebook page)
On facebook I run a site called Asbestos in the News - dedicated to Anita Steiner who sadly lost her life to mesothelioma in Nov 2011 and all persons who
have been adversely affected by the horror that is ASBESTOS! When I first ventured onto facebook Anita and Rod Smith had set up a group page for asbestos support. I found myself posting on this page anything to do with current articles on asbestos, thereby clogging up the original group page! After a few 'not happy viewers' Anita made a new group page for my postings and asked me what would I like it to be called. Asbestos in the News was formed! Today Linda Reinstein from America's Asbestos Disease Awareness Organisation (ADAO) posted this story to facebook. I shared it on Asbestos in the News. Michael is not even 30 yrs old and has mesothelioma through no fault of his own! We need to get stronger as a united global front and stop asbestos from killing innocent lives.

We have been touched by asbestos in individual ways, yet we are joined together by a bond of community. As a testament to the strength of our global family, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is highlighting the courageous stories of our members with the “Share Your Story” feature on our website.
This week, we would like to honor the story of Michael, who is a part of our ADAO family.
We encourage you to submit your personal stories by clicking here and following the simple instructions on the page. In sharing, comes healing. Remember, you are not alone.
“Asbestos Has Changed My Life” – Michael’s Story
Name: Michael
Date of Birth: 07-AUG-1984
Date of Diagnosis: 14-FEB-2012
Treatment: Surgery 2 times, chemo, clinical trials
State: GA
How has asbestos changed your life? Asbestos is evil. I live in pain. I go through treatments that make me feel incredibly bad. I have to watch what I eat or I’ll get sick. I wear a colostomy bag. I’ve lost 150 lbs. And worst of all; I have cancer. I have one more option (medically) left to fight this cancer and that is clinical trials. These trials are 14 hours away. Asbestos has done more than change my life both mentally and physically.
The above is Michael's story, one that should never be happening. He did not cause his cancer! Michael is an innocent victim of the greed of asbestos! He is fighting for his life! He truly is a brave person to share his story to warn others of the deadly dangers of asbestos!
“Asbestos Has Changed My Life” – Michael’s Story
Posted in February 2013
We have been touched by asbestos in individual ways, yet we are joined together by a bond of community. As a testament to the strength of our global family, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO) is highlighting the courageous stories of our members with the “Share Your Story” feature on our website.
This week, we would like to honor the story of Michael, who is a part of our ADAO family.
We encourage you to submit your personal stories by clicking here and following the simple instructions on the page. In sharing, comes healing. Remember, you are not alone.
“Asbestos Has Changed My Life” – Michael’s Story
Name: Michael
Date of Birth: 07-AUG-1984
Date of Diagnosis: 14-FEB-2012
Treatment: Surgery 2 times, chemo, clinical trials
State: GA
How has asbestos changed your life? Asbestos is evil. I live in pain. I go through treatments that make me feel incredibly bad. I have to watch what I eat or I’ll get sick. I wear a colostomy bag. I’ve lost 150 lbs. And worst of all; I have cancer. I have one more option (medically) left to fight this cancer and that is clinical trials. These trials are 14 hours away. Asbestos has done more than change my life both mentally and physically.
The above is Michael's story, one that should never be happening. He did not cause his cancer! Michael is an innocent victim of the greed of asbestos! He is fighting for his life! He truly is a brave person to share his story to warn others of the deadly dangers of asbestos!
* * *
Thursday, February 7, 2013
After one lost blog of a couple of year's ago I have finally started a new one and this is my first entry! Every morning when I wake up and ask myself what is on my list of things to do today - make a blog pops up always and I remind myself 'today is the day'! However up until now it has been in the too hard basket.
Not sure what I will write in this blog as so much has happened over the last few years, in particular with mesothelioma and asbestos. Random thoughts I will jot down from time to time and try to put dates to these thoughts. Depending on how exhausted I am will also determine how much blogging that I do.
Please feel free to contact me anytime if you happen to read this blog.
A slow start for today - I woke at 7am and couldn't lie in bed any longer, got up, fed our beautiful siamese cat Charlie with his brekkie (free range chicken that he loves), made a cuppa of green tea and toast for myself then sat in the comfortable chair/lounge room and watched an hour of the Today Show on TV to get the latest headlines and also see if it will be a high fire danger day here - yes it is a high fire danger day here with winds expected to turn around later today. Luckily there are not major outbreaks of fires close by, although there have been a few started by 'nutters' - most of these have been able to be contained thanks to the dedication of our CFA (Country Fire Association) members and volunteers.
I am still on this computer at 10am! The time goes so quickly when I am on here, checking facebook, emails, replying to emails etc - all of which I love doing. Shower time now, a drive up to Mt Macedon and the general store/cafe/post office to get our post box mail and no doubt stop and have a chat/coffee with friends while sitting outside under the shade of the beautiful Silver Birch trees watching the antics of the black birds pecking the ground for any crumbs of food they can scrounge, plus watching the wonderful display of old cars/bikes head up the Mount (Mount Macedon Road).
Later today - depending on whether it is safe to return home or if we need to evacuate due to the high fire warning will determine what the day brings!
Have a nice day/evening.
Not sure what I will write in this blog as so much has happened over the last few years, in particular with mesothelioma and asbestos. Random thoughts I will jot down from time to time and try to put dates to these thoughts. Depending on how exhausted I am will also determine how much blogging that I do.
Please feel free to contact me anytime if you happen to read this blog.
A slow start for today - I woke at 7am and couldn't lie in bed any longer, got up, fed our beautiful siamese cat Charlie with his brekkie (free range chicken that he loves), made a cuppa of green tea and toast for myself then sat in the comfortable chair/lounge room and watched an hour of the Today Show on TV to get the latest headlines and also see if it will be a high fire danger day here - yes it is a high fire danger day here with winds expected to turn around later today. Luckily there are not major outbreaks of fires close by, although there have been a few started by 'nutters' - most of these have been able to be contained thanks to the dedication of our CFA (Country Fire Association) members and volunteers.
I am still on this computer at 10am! The time goes so quickly when I am on here, checking facebook, emails, replying to emails etc - all of which I love doing. Shower time now, a drive up to Mt Macedon and the general store/cafe/post office to get our post box mail and no doubt stop and have a chat/coffee with friends while sitting outside under the shade of the beautiful Silver Birch trees watching the antics of the black birds pecking the ground for any crumbs of food they can scrounge, plus watching the wonderful display of old cars/bikes head up the Mount (Mount Macedon Road).
Later today - depending on whether it is safe to return home or if we need to evacuate due to the high fire warning will determine what the day brings!
Have a nice day/evening.
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