As I was feeling much better New Year's Eve we hosted a dinner and get-together with friends and family (Linda my SIL who flew to America in April 2014 with me for ADAO's Asbestos Conference) and also BIL Ken came and stayed the night.
We were able to sit outside until 8pm and enjoy the beautiful sun setting, birds feeding and good company. A light dinner and countdown with TV Melbourne fireworks at midnight - a fabulous night.
Next morning we had a lovely visit from my daughter Jo who lives in Melbourne, her partner David and my beautiful grandkids Ruby, Henry and Oliver - so nice to see them and made my day!

On New Year's Eve I had an hour appointment with my local GP Rod Guy at my request to discuss end of life arrangements/palliative care in the home and also why he is the only doctor out of 13 in the clinic who know anything about mesothelioma. He immediately gave me his home/mobile numbers and said to contact him anytime that I needed to. If I had to see someone else then to ring him and he would work out a plan with that doctor if need be.
He filled out a form and put on it that I am now in my 12 year of survival ... so in other words I know a lot about mesothelioma) and took it out to the head nurse who in turn faxed it to Macedon Ranges Palliative Care team who are based in Kyneton, Victoria.
Rod asked how come I am very calm and have a calming aura - I said it is my acceptance that I live with mesothelioma. I also when diagnosed went for 3 years to Petrea King/Quest for Life cancer retreat, Southern Highlands, NSW. The first time to find peace to die ... 2nd time I was at peace and others would come up to me on that course and ask what my secret for peace was. - Acceptance and the will to live. 3rd time at request of a friend who had stomach cancer and wanted me to go back with her so she could find peace to die .... she died 2 weeks later.
Rod also asked it what were my thoughts on dying .... I told him I have come close to dying 3 times with having mesothelioma and my last experience was 23 Dec lying on a park bench waiting to see a doctor - feeling so weak I looked up to the sky/beautiful trees and could have closed my eyes as my world had become the sky/trees.
We now know that I was dangerously anaemic and very depleted of red blood cells hence the Xmas eve blood transfusion for 5 long hours!
2 weeks on and again my bloods are way down ..... and during the night I brought up tar like bile, then for rest of day breathing very very tight and weak. Scans yesterday - results tomorrow (Weds) evening - so further blog following.
Palliative care assessment today at home with Keith, Charlie, myself and the nurse. Such peace of mind if I am able to stay at home until end of life or close to it. They will work in with my oncologist and doctor. More later on this .......
I DO NOT BELIEVE I AM DYING AT THE MOMENT, however I do believe progression of the bloody cancer is happening.
I am alive and kicking!
To all meso warriors and carers doing it tough - my heart goes out to you.
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